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Articles (by title)

Adam is God?, by Chris A. Ulachos (regarding Brigham Young)

Adoption Facts, Myths and Challenges (Bethany Christian Services)

Affluence: A Western Missionary Problem, by Robert D. Decker (Protestant Reformed Theological Journal, April 1998)

America and Christianity

The Best of Walter Martin (founder of CRI)

A Biblical Guide to Orthodoxy and Heresy: I. The Case For Doctrinal Discernment, by Robert M. Bowman

A Biblical Guide to Orthodoxy and Heresy: II. Guidelines For Doctrinal Discernment, by Robert M. Bowman

Biographical Information - John R.W. Stott

Calvin and Calvinism: An Introductory Bibliography, by J.C. Mallinson (from Ex Libris software (Rod Rosenbladt)

Calvinism, Arminianism and the Word of God: A Calvary Chapel Perspective, by Chuck Smith

The Character of an Old English Puritan or Non-Conformist, by John Geree (1646)

Christ The Uncaged Lion, by Christian Smith

The Christian Mission to Islam: Islam Viewed from a Biblical Perspective, by Basam M Madany (Protestant Reformed Theological Journal) (Protestant Reformed Theological Journal)

Christian Soldier in a Secular City, by John D. Pickering

Cross-cultural Missions, by Robert D. Decker (Protestant Reformed Theological Journal. April 1996)

Cross-cultural Missions: Part 3, by Robert D. Decker (Protestant Reformed Theological Journal, April 1996)

Disputation On the Divinity and Humanity of Christ, by Martin Luther (1540) (Protestant Reformed Theological Journal)

Dr. Walter Martin: from the CRI Archive at ICLnet

The Dutch Reformed Presence in Canada, by Daniel Knight (1994, 1997)

Dutch Reformed Timeline, by Daniel Knight (1997)

Dwight L. Moody's Letters to His Family, 1884-1897 An exhibit from the Billy Graham Center Archives at Wheaton College.

The Enduring Revolution, by Charles W. Colson

Esotericism and Biblical Interpretation, by Ron Rhodes

Evangelicals and Catholics Together

Evangelism Code of Ethics (InterVarsity Christian Fellowship)

The Eye of Faith, by Ron Rhodes

Finding God - Where to Start (Back to the Bible)

The First Thanksgiving Proclamation (June 20, 1676)

Four Important Things Every Kid Should Know

The Fundamental Orders of 1639

George Whitefield to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley in Answer to Mr. Wesley's Sermon "Free Grace"

The German Mass and Order of Divine Service, by Martin Luther (1526)

The Glory of a True Church, and its Discipline Displayed, by Benjamin Keach (1697)

God's Simple Plan of Salvation (LifeGate, Inc.)

The History of Israel

Holiness, by J.C. Ryle

How to Become a Christian, by Ron Rhodes

How You Can Help Fulfill the Great Commission, by Dr. Bill Bright (Transferrable Concepts, Campus Crusade for Christ)

An Interview With Chuck Colson, by Hank Hanegraaff

Israel: The State of History (Azuza Pacific University)

The Jerusalem Meeting and the Christian Message, by Oliver Chase Quick (1928)

Jesus and the Intellectual

Justification, by Charles Hodge

Let Your Sins Be Strong, by Martin Luther (1521)

The Lord's Prayer, by Thomas Watson

Luther and Lutheranism: An Introductory Biblography (Alliance for Confessing Evangelicals)

Martin Luther's 95 Theses

Martin Luther's 95 Theses

The Mayflower Compact (November 11, 1620)

Missions: or... I Will Build My Church, by Rev. C. Hanko

Mobile Training Centers: Key to Growth in Thailand, by Roy Rosedale (Dec. 1989: Evangelical Missions Information Service, Inc., International School of Theology Monograph Series, and Leadership Univeristy)

The Most Beautiful Christmas Tree Ever, by William Theron Yates

Mother Teresa Speech

Notes for a Biography, by Marko Jauhiainen

An Open Letter to a Christian Pastor, by Mike Mallick

Palm Beach Interview Series, by Reverend Dave Hatch (1997)

Prayer and the Suffering Church, by Johan Companjen

Resource Center for Multi-Ethnic Studies, comp. by Scott Barkat (InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, a bibliography including articles, books, films/ videos, journals/ periodicals, pamphlets, simulation games)

Rethinking Missions Today: Neo-Evangelical Missiology and the Christian Mission to Islam, by Reverend Bassam M. Madany:

Samuel Rutherford: A Selection from His Letters

Selections from the Minor Prophets (John Calvin)

Social Misfits? The Truth About Home Education and Socialization (from the Indiana Family Council Factsheet series)

Some Mistaken Scriptures Sincerely Explained, by Benjamin Cox (1646)

The Spirit and the Bible

The Star of Bethlehem

Stott by Topic series (John Stott)

Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, by Joni Eareckson Tada (World Evangelization Magazine: March/April, 1996)

Suggestions for Worship Leaders (A Letter to Our Son-in-Law, by R.C. Leonard)

Summary of the Just War Theory

Ten Basic Steps to Christian Maturity (NewLife Publications, Campus Crusade for Christ)

The Ten Commandments, by Thomas Watson

Thoughts on Alterations in the Liturgy, by John Newman

Thoughts on the Catholic Church, by John Newman

Thoughts on the Ministerial Commission, by John Newman

The Throne of Grace, by Charles Spurgeon

To Several Nuns, by Martin Luther (1524)

A Treatise on Good Works, by Martin Luther (1520)

Was the New Testament Influenced by Pagan Philosophy?, by Ronald Nash.

The Western Crisis (an excerpt from The Christian Message in a Non-Christian World , by Hendrick Kramer (1938)

The Westminister View of Creation Days: A Choice Between Non-Ambiguity or Historical Revisionism, by David W. Hall

What Really Happened to Apollo 13?, by Jerry Woodfill (A Christian perspective, including personal testimony, and What Really Happened to Challenger?)

Who's In Charge? The Transition from Missionary to National Authority. An exhibit from the Billy Graham Center Archives at Wheaton College.

Wings Like Eagles: Reflections on Christian LIfe, by Mike Mallick

Women Pioneers in World Mission, by Dr. Sakhi Alhyal (World Evangelization Magazine: Women in Mission: June/July, 1995)

The Word Made Visible, by R.C. Leonard

Worship and Inclusive Language, by R.C. Leonard

Worship in the Early Church, by R.C. Leonard


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