Associate of Arts In Ministry Degree
An opportunity to begin and grow in Ministry
Forty Hours or Eight courses of study
This is a preliminary study degree preparing the student for the Bachelor’s level program.
This gives the called Ministry student a foundational perspective into Biblical studies,
General Ministry, Christian Counseling and Evangelism.
This Program utilizes eight No Travel Seminars
These seminars are emailed to your computer.
Download and save to your computer and watch at your convenience.
You must have high speed Internet to download these seminars.
If you do not have high speed Internet, check with your local library or coffee shop
about downloading and saving the seminar to a DVD.
Here are the current Ministry seminars
Biblical Studies: Study of Ephesians Order Here $175
Pastoral Epistles Order Here $175
Study of Psalms Order Here $175
Christian Counseling: Marriage Counseling 101 Order Here $175
Grief Counseling Order Here $175
Evangelism Lifestyle Evangelism Order Here $175
General Ministry: Bi Vocational Ministry Order Here $175
Kingdom Focused Church Order Here $175
Buy All Eight Seminars at the same time and save over $300 Order Here
Suggested Seminar( How To Write A Good Paper and How To Write A Dissertation)
This seminar is not required. However, this is suggested as you begin your scholastic ministry studies.
These seminars provide a great sketch of how to be a better student. Order Here $100
All seminars may be bought at once for $1095. This is a savings of over $400! Order Here
Cost of this program is the$200 registration fee and purchase of the eight seminars.
This program may be completed in eight months to no more than one year. Click Here For Seminary Registration
Payment of the $200 registration fee plus cost of the eight seminars is the cost of this program.
Once reviewing the seminar you should write a summary/review paper. Submit this paper to
The summary paper should be between 4 - 6 pages in length. Our grading team will grade your paper and return your grade via email.
Graduation is scheduled for June 1 - 2, Evansville, Indiana.