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Bibles & Bible Resources
Access to a wide variety of Bible resources and translations in different languages, from different periods of history


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Note: Newburgh Theological Seminary and College of the Bible encourage students to use actual translations of the Bible for their scholastic work, as opposed to Bible paraphrases. Many of the Bibles in this list are provided for their historic value.

Contains a very large selection of Bibles

The WWW Bible Gateway
Includes RSV, KJV, NIV, NASB, Darby and Young's Translations, German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog and Latin

Danish Bible (1933 Ârs udgave)

Finnish Bible (1933,38 Raamattu trans.)

Finnish Bible (1992 Raamattu trans.)

French Bible (Louis Segond Trans. of 1910 w/Search)

Geneva Study Bible

German Bible : Die Bibel (Luther Translation)

German Bible (Elberfelder Ubersetzung Bibel w/Search)

The Good Way (Portions of the Bible in Arabic)

The Hebrew Tanach

The Holy Bible (Chinese Union Version)

Indonesian Bible

Italian Bible (La Bibbia)

King James Bible (with "Apocrapha")

King James Bible (Web version from Computers for Christ)

King James Bible (Browse by Subject)

Korean Bible

The Korean Bible Gateway

Latin Vulgate Bible of St. Jerome (405 Trans. w/Search)

New Testament (Rheims:1582)

Portugese: á BÃblia Sagrada

Quechua Bible
Lucaspa Oeloasquan. The Gospel of Luke. (Cuzco and Ayacucho and Southern Bolivian dialects, Ecuadorian Quichua Chimborazo will be available. Includes Spanish and English parallel verses.

Russian Bible (requires KOI8 cyrillic fonts)

Spanish: La Biblica RVA

Spanish: La Santa Biblia
Antigua Versíon de Casoidoro de Reina (1569), Revisada por cipriamo de valera (1602), Otras revisiones (1862, 1909 , 1960)

Swahili (partial)

Swedish Bible (1917 Bibeln eller den Helig Skrift)
innehâllande. Gamla Och Nya Testamentets Kanoniska Böcker i överensstämmelse med den av Konung År 1917 gillande och stadfästa oversättning.

Warlpiri Bible (Australia)
In process. (Genesis, Jonah, Ruth, Luke, 1 & 2 Thess., Titus, Philemon, and 2 & 3 John.)


Mailing/Shipping Address:
P.O. Box 1238
Newburgh, Indiana 47629

Physical Address:
8922 Ruffian Lane
Newburgh, Indiana 47630 

Telephone:  1.812.858.3920

E-mail:  NewburghSeminary@aol.com

Christ-Centered, Biblically Sound, Affordable