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Books (by title)

Abortion and the Christian: What Every Believer Should Know , by John Jefferson Davis (1984)

Absent from the Body, by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)

At the Back of the Northwind, by George MacDonald (1824-1905) (large file)

Black Samson, by Levi Keidel

The Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion Rite (US Episcopal Church 1892)

The Book of Common Prayer (US Episcopal Church, 1979)

A Brief Declaration and Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity and also of the Person and Satisfaction of Christ, by John Owen (1616-1683)

The Burden of God: Studies in wisdom and civilization, by M. Kelley

The Christian's Great Interest, by William Guthrie (1620-1665)

Christologia, by John Owen ( (1616-1683))

Church History , by Eusebius of Caesarea

Church History (Eusebius of Caesarea) (Keyed to the Catholic Encyclopedia)

The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Roberts and Donalson.">Church History (Eusebius Pamphilus)

The City of God, by Augustine (AD 413-426)

Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1535), by Martin Luther, transl. by Theodore Graebner (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1949)

A Compendium on Positive Theology, by John William Baier, edited by C.W.F. Walther (1877) from Rev. Bob Smith's Project Wittenberg

Confessions, The Enchiridion, & On Christian Doctrine, by Augustine

The Consolation of the Sick

Dark Night of the Soul, by St. John of the Cross (1542-1591)

The Deeper Christian Life, by Andrew Murray (1895)

Democracy in America, by Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859)

Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, by John Donne

The Doctrine of Justification by Faith by John Owen

Elijah - A Man of Like Nature, by Theodore Epp (from Back to theBible)

The Ethnologue, by B. Grimes, et. al. Current version at the Summer Institute of Linguistics.

The Ethnologue, by B. Grimes, et. al. (large file)

The Five Points of Calvinism, by Herman Hanko, Homer Hoeksema, and Gise J. Van Baren

The Fountain of Life Opened Up, by John Flavel

Fox's Book of Martyrs, by John Foxe

The Glory of Christ, by John Owen

Gospel Grounds and Evidences of the Faith, by John Owen

Grace Abounding in the Chief of Sinners, by John Bunyan

Holy Dying, by Jeremy Taylor (1860)

Holy Living, by Jeremy Taylor (1860)

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis

The Inspiration, Inerrancy, and Authority of the Bible, by Dr. Ron Rhodes

Institutes on the Christian Religion, by John Calvin

It Didn't Just Happen, by Ethel Barrett

The Life of John Owen, by Andrew Thompson

The Life of Reverend John Flavel

Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott (1869)

Manual on Theology, by J.L. Dagg, D.D. (from Founders Online)

Manuscript Support for the Bible's Reliability, by Ron Rhodes

The Necessity of Prayer, by E.M. Bounds

Of Communion with God, by John Owen

On Prayer by John Calvin (large file)

On the Christian Life, by John Calvin

Orthodoxy, by Gilbert K. Chesterton

Pensées, by Blaise Pascal (1660). trans., W.F. Trotter.

The Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan (large file)

The Practice of the Presence of God, by Brother Lawrence

The Pursuit of God, by A.W. Tozer

Religious Affections, by Jonathan Edwards

The Road to Reality, by K.P. Yohannan (Large file made available by Gospel for Asia, in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format. )

A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, by William Law (large file)

Sketches of Church History: From AD 33 to the Reformation, by Rev. J. C.Robertson (1904)

The Spiritual Exercises by St. Ignatius of Loyola

The Summa Theologica (1265/1266-1273), by St. Thomas Acquinas

The Table-talk of Martin Luther (1566) trans. William Hazlett

Theologicia Germanica

Till He Come by C.H. Spurgeon

Tongues: A Biblical View, by Ovid Need, Jr.

A Treatise on Church Order, by J.L. Dagg, D.D. (1858) (from Founders Online)

The True Vine: Mediations for a Month on John 15:1-16, by John Murray

Two of Me, by David Wilkerson

Uniformity with God's Will, by St. Alphonsus

Union and Communion, by James Hudson Taylor (Founder, China Inland Mission, now OMF International)

A Vindication of Some Passages in a Discourse Concerning Communion with God

Warfare of Science with Theology, by Andrew Dickson White (large file)

What People Ask About the Church, by Dale A. Robbins

The Works of Flavius Josephus, trans. by William Whiston (from The Wesley Center, Northwest Nazarene College)

Writings of the Rev. John Bradford: Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Martyr, A.D. 1555


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