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Some students and faculty have found these books to be of value and interest in past studies and/or personal reading. We are pleased to share them with you.
Note: Newburgh Theological Seminary and College of the Bible does not officially endorse the materials presented here, they are simply shared as a free service.
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals Articles Collection
Answers in Action Articles Collection (Apologetics, Theology, Bible and Contemporary Issues)
Answers in Action Articles on Apologetics (Apologetics, Theology, Bible and Contemporary Issues)
Articles from Reasoning with the Scriptures Ministries, Dr. Ron Rhodes
Articles from Return to God Includes groups of articles on Scientific and Historical Evidence, Hebraic Roots, Witnessing Tips, and Messianic Perspective.
The Biblical Examiner Archive (Selected Articles)
Break Point , by Charles Colson
Calendar of Christian Historical Biographics, comp. by James Kiefer
Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada Articles on Discipleship
Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada Articles on Faith
Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada Articles on Motivation
CAPO Journal
Cell-Church articles Including Cell Church Magazine, and links to TOUCH Ministries, Church Growth International, High Impact Ministries.
The Christia Library (by author)
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry Bible Section
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry : Christian Doctrine
Christian Quotations
Christian Research Institute Journal Articles
Christian Research Institute Newsletter Articles
Coptic Church Articles
Cramner-Seabury Studies (Prayer Book Society of the Episcopal Church):
The Creation Research Society: CRS documents, articles from the CRS Quarterly , and Creation Matters newsletter
Doctrinal Statements of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Commission on Inter-Church Relations
Doctrine, Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Documents from the Presbyterian Reformed Church
Documents of the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod
Documents of the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod from Project Wittenberg :
Documents of the Lutheran Church of Australia
Dr. Francis Beckwith's Trinity Series (and other apologetical files)
Electronic Publications, Institute for Science and Christian Faith, Western Evangelical Seminary
Essays and Research Papers from Xenos Christian Fellowship
Feature Articles (Wycliffe Bible Translators)
From Yankee Failure to Newfie Success, by Dr. Hans Rollmann
Glimpses church bulletin inserts published by the Christian History Institute under the following major subjects: Leaders in Church History, The Early Church, The Reformation, Christianity in Early America, Hymn Writers, Youth, Revival, Asia, The Bible, Science, and Christian Women.
Heath Christian Bookshop Articles Collection
Sumarised Biographies: Doddridge, Rowland, Wesley, Matthew Henry, Dafydd Morgan Walter Craddock, Ion Falconer, Bunyan, Spurgeon, McCheyne, Evan Roberts, Christmas Evans, Tyndale, Bernard of Clairvaux, William Williams of Pantycelyn
Holiness Data Ministry's Collection Home Page (Wesleyan/ Arminian):
International School of Theology Faculty and Student Articles (including Monographic Series Articles, Faculty Articles, and Student Articles from ISOT)
Jesus-Witnesses Resources The JW FAQ, The New World Translation, The JW Organization, Prophecy, The Resurrection, Testimony, The Trinity.
Jews for Jesus Publications
Major Areas of Moral Interest . Articles from the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Southern Baptist Convention.
Methodism in Newfoundland
Moravians: Lives and Narratives of the Labrador Missionaries
Nazarene Church Articles
PAST Documents Archive (Larry Andrade's Christian USA historical documents archive)
Position Papers of the Assemblies of God
Project Wittenberg's Collection of Works of Martin Luther
ProLife Resources on the Web
Questions Answered (Billy Graham Evangelistic Association) (Includes Bible & Doctrine, Choice of Church, Personal Problems, Relationships, Social & Moral Issues, and Spiritual Life.)
Selected Articles from Unravelling Wittengenstein's Net
Sovereign Grace Articles
The Urbana Experience (Sessions from the latest Urbana conference)

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