Newburgh Theological Seminary and Newburgh College of the Bible is your opportunity to sharpen your God given abilities. An education from Newburgh Seminary/College will prepare you for what God has called you to do.
Through Newburgh Theological Seminary and Newburgh College of the Bible you can stay right where you are and prepare for pastoral ministries, Christian/Biblical counseling, Evangelism/Missions, Christian education or many other ministries. Traditional schools have their place but, not everyone can pack up and leave their homes to live on campus for several years.
At Newburgh Theological Seminary and Newburgh College of the Bible you have the opportunity to receive the training you need to move on with your life and calling.
Newburgh Theological Seminary and Newburgh College of the Bible also offers you the opportunity to consider having your schoolwork or other inspirational journals published and distributed. Through our publishing house we can market your dissertation and other inspirational journals in paperback form worldwide.

Mailing/Shipping Address:
P.O. Box 1238
Newburgh, Indiana 47629
Physical Address:
8922 Ruffian Lane
Newburgh, Indiana 47630
Telephone: 1.812.858.3920
E-mail: NewburghSeminary@aol.com
Christ-Centered, Biblically Sound, Affordable