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Welcome to our online library. Please feel free to use any and all of our library's free links. We provide these links to our students and to the larger worldwide community of theological scholars as part of our work to provide greater awareness and access to historical, ministerial and Biblical information.

Our library is continuously in development and updating as addresses across the internet are subject to unannounced change. If you find a broken link, please help us by sending an email to our librarian at NTSlibraryhelp@newburghseminary.com with the address of the broken link and the page where you found it.

Each page contains a link at the top so you can return to the main Library at any time.
Thank you and enjoy.


Bibles & Bible Resources
    Contemporary & ancient versions of the Bible with additional resources.


Bible Study Tools & Helps    Useful aids in studying the Scriptures

Bible Studies and Devotionals    As the subject says, a collection of devotionals and Bible study materials.

Collection of Books
    Valuable reading containing timeless insights


Collections of Articles & Books    Interesting reading suggestions from staff and students.


More Articles (By Title)     So popular, we had to expand the category. More interesting reading suggestions from staff and students.


Sermons    Contemporary and historic sermons provided for inspiration and education.


Religious News Sources    Publications from religious news sources covering spiritual matters and contemporary events.


Newsletters and Periodicals    Regular updates from Christian organizations.


Creeds and Confessions (part one)    Modern and ancient statements of faith and belief (part one of two)


Creeds and Confessions (part two)    Modern and ancient statements of faith and belief (part two of two)


Miscellaneous Texts    Hard to classify, but added for your reading enjoyment.


Mailing/Shipping Address:
P.O. Box 1238
Newburgh, Indiana 47629

Physical Address:
8922 Ruffian Lane
Newburgh, Indiana 47630 

Telephone:  1.812.858.3920

E-mail:  NewburghSeminary@aol.com

Christ-Centered, Biblically Sound, Affordable