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Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth
MEC 200 CHRISTIAN LIVING The Purpose-Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?Rick Warren (Hardcover)


 The Purpose-Driven ChurchRick Warren (Hardcover)



MEC 240 EVANGELISM AND GROWTH When God Builds a Church: 10 Principles for Growing a Dynamic ChurchBob Russell, Rusty Russell (Hardcover)




Peace With God The Secret HappinessBilly Graham (Paperback)

MEC 280 EVANGELISM STUDIES Just As I Am: The Autobiography of Billy GrahamBilly Graham (Hardcover


The Collected Works of Billy Graham: Three Bestselling Works Complete in One Volume (Angels, How to Be Born Again, and The Holy Spirit)Billy Graham (Hardcover

MEC 320 OUTREACH Death and the Life AfterBilly Graham (Paperback)


 Eating the Elephant: Leading the Established Church to GrowthThom S. Rainer, Charles E. Lawless

MEC 360 KEYS TO CHURCH GROWTH Turn-Around Churches: How to Overcome Barriers to Growth and Bring New Life to an Established ChurchGeorge Barna




UNCHURCHED NEXT DOOR : Understanding Faith Stages as Keys to Sharing Your FaithThom S. Rainer

MEC 420 CHURCH GROWTH TRAINING Book of Church Growth: History, Theology, & PrinciplesThom S. Rainer (Paperback)
MEC 440 CHURCH GROWTH VOLUNTEER REVOLUTION : Unleashing the Power of EverybodyBill Hybels (Hardcover)


 Too Busy Not to Pray: Slowing Down to Be With God : Including Questions for Reflection and DiscussionBill Hybels, Lavonne Neff (Paperback)



 TransformationBill Hybels (Paperback)



Becoming A Contagious ChristianBill Hybels (Paperback)


MEC 520 OLD TESTAMENT STUDIES PsalmsBill Hybels (Paperback)


Character: Who You Are When No One's Looking : 6 Studies for Individuals or Groups (Christian Basics Bible Studies)Bill Hybels, et al (Paperback)




How to Handle AdversityCharles F. Stanley


 The Master Plan of EvangelismRobert E. Coleman


Effective Evangelistic Churches: Successful Churches Reveal What Works, and What Doesn'tThom Rainer

MEC 620 EVANGELISM Evangelism Explosion 4th EditionD. James Kennedy
MEC 640 CHURCH GROWTH PRINCIPLES Churches That Multiply: A Bible Study on Church PlantingElmer L. Towns,
MEC 660 MISSION STRATEGIES Planting Growing Churches for the 21st Century: A Comprehensive Guide for New Churches and Those Desiring RenewalAubrey Malphurs, Baker Book House

MEC 680 MISSIONS AND CHURCH PLANTING Planting New Churches in a Postmodern AgeEd Stetzer (Paperback)

MEC 700 CHURCH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Church Growth 101 A Church Growth Guidebook For Ministers And Laity, Dr. Glenn W. Mollette

MEC 720 BIVOCATIONAL MINISTRY Serving As A Bivocational
, Dr. Jim Highland

MEC 730 PRACTICAL PASTORAL MINISTRY  The Ambitious PastorDr. Art Christmas


Degrees Offered:

 Bachelor, Master, Doctor of Ministry and Ph.D.

Objective: To provide the student a broad range of studies from America's most brilliant church growth leaders, pastors and evangelists. This degree program acquaints the student with solid Biblical principles of doing evangelism, missions and leading churches to grow as taught and demonstrated by America's finest leadership.

Students will study the books of Billy Graham, Tom Rainier, Rick Warren, Bob Russell, Bill Hybels, Charles Stanley and many others.


Bachelor of Arts in Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth

Requires MEC 200, MEC 220,
MEC 240, MEC 260, MEC 280, MEC 300, MEC 320.

Cost:  $2,195.00

Hours: 120 (You may qualify for up to 80 hours of life credit experience)

Requirements: If you qualify for the 80 hours of life credit - eight classes (minimum of 4 core courses) selected from our suggested curriculum or a total of 40 hours.

No Travel Seminars: You are allowed up to five No Travel Seminars.

Here is what is required for the Bachelor of Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth:

 Select eight of the textbooks on this site.

No Travel Seminars: You may utilize five No Travel Seminars>
One seminar replaces one textbook. Seminars are optional 
and never required. Alternates are not permitted.



Master of Arts in Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth

Requires MEC 340, MEC 360, 
MEC 380, MEC 400, MEC 420, 
MEC 440

Cost: $2,295.00

Requirements: Forty hours or eight (8) classes (minimum of 5 core courses) selected from the listed curriculum.

No Travel Seminars: You are allowed up to four No Travel Seminars.

Follow the guidelines for doing the Bachelor's of MEC as listed directly above. 
      If you have completed a Bachelor's in this same program you will need to choose eight new textbooks from this site. You may also select up to three electives from any page on this web site.
     The Master of Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth requires five verbatims. Verbatims are discussions or summaries in your own words of a mission, evangelism or church growth experience.
   Verbatims include but are not limited to the following: Personal witnessing/evangelism encounters. These are encounters where you have in some way shared the gospel with a person who is not a Christian. 
     - Any effort to build up your church, small group, Sunday school class.
    - Any mission effort. Bible school, handing out gospel tracts.
    - Verbatims should only be about one page in length and submitted via email or mail. A verbatim is a summary of what was said during the experience you are sharing.

 Email assignments to schoolassignment@aol.com

No Travel Seminars: You may utilize four No Travel
seminars. One seminar replaces a textbook. Seminars
are optional and not required. Alternates are not permitted.


Doctor of Ministry in Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth 
Requires MEC 460, MEC 480, MEC 500, MEC 520, MEC 540, MEC 560

Cost: $2,595.00

Hours: 50

Requirements: Six classes selected from the curriculum section, plus a ministry project agreed upon by the seminary committee.


Six textbooks following the same guidelines as listed under the Bachelor's program of this page for doing assignments.
  Up to three textbook electives may be selected from any page on this web site. Alternates are not permitted.

Student selects a ministry theme pertaining to evangelism, ministry or church growth. The theme is submitted in writing to the seminary committee. You may email this to us. Look for the doctoral submission theme tab on the web site. Once the theme is approved the student will receive supervision from the seminary committee for the completion of the Doctor of Ministry project.

Ministry projects are practical in nature and should be written in such a way that the project might be helpful to any other minister or church group. D.Min. projects take about two to three months to complete the project. A 35  - 50 page paper typically explains the nature of the project, the goal of the project, what actually transpired during the project and the outcome of the ministry project.

No Travel Seminars. The Doctor of Ministry is the
only degree program that allows a student to utilize
all No Travel Seminars to replace the textbooks. You may use six No Travel Seminars or use six texts or mix the number. The six seminars currently used are, Lifestyle Evangelism, Kingdom Focused Church, Growing A Giving Church, Pastoral Leadership, Delivery of Sermons, Bi Vocational Ministries. These are the current seminars and these are subject to change. However, a change in seminar requirement/offers will not affect your tract of study once you have bought seminars and begun.  Call the office to order any of these seminars. They are $175 each .    office number 1.812.858.3920


Ph.D. in Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth

Requires MEC 580, MEC 600, MEC 620, MEC 640, MEC 660,
MEC 680

50 Hours

Cost: $2,695.00

Requirements: Six classes selected from the curriculum. Three alternates may be selected from any page on this web site.  March 2, 2011.

 The candidate should also submit a Dissertation theme to be agreed upon by the seminary committee. Please use the tab on web site to submit your doctoral theme idea. The student selects a Dissertation theme pertaining to church growth, evangelism or missions. The Dissertation theme is submitted in writing to the seminary committee or may be emailed to us on the seminary web site tab. Once the theme is approved the student will receive supervision from the seminary committee for the completion of the Ph.D. degree. Dissertations are academic yet we encourage our students to write on a practical level as if the dissertation were being presented to an average church group. We want our dissertations to be helpful to other ministers and Christians who might have the opportunity to read them. Dissertations typically are about 60  to 125 pages.  We have received numerous dissertations from 250 to 300 pages. We are not legalistic about page length. This is not a marathon to see how many words you can put on paper. Content, thought, your ideas, personal research and what you present are what we consider important. Most importantly we are concerned that your dissertation glorify Jesus.

No Travel Seminars: You may utilize three No Travel Seminars
to complete this degree. One seminar replaces one textbook. Alternates are not permitted.


Product Details MEC 570 Church Growth and Development , Dr. Gene Mims


Submit coursework via email.  
Use Schoolassignment@aol.com  for submission of email coursework. This email address should also be used for submission of Doctor of Ministry projects and Ph.D. Dissertations.
NTS expects a good ten to twenty page summary paper of each textbook for all degree programs. Typed, double-spaced, Font type should be 10 - 12. Microsoft Word is preferred when emailing an attachment. If Microsoft Word is unavailable, assignments may be copied and pasted into the body of your email. Please review your paper for spelling and grammar errors before submitting.

 - Summarize what the book said.
 - Tell us what you learned.
 - If the text is helpful to you in your life, work and ministry, please tell us about this too.
Seminar papers require 4 - 5 pages, font size 10 - 12.
 - Summarize what the seminar professor said.
 - Tell us what you learned.
-  If the seminar is helpful to you in your life, work and ministry, please tell us about this too.


Mailing/Shipping Address:
P.O. Box 1238
Newburgh, Indiana 47629

Physical Address:
8922 Ruffian Lane
Newburgh, Indiana 47630 

Telephone:  1.812.858.3920

E-mail:  NewburghSeminary@aol.com

Christ-Centered, Biblically Sound, Affordable