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Welcome to the NTS Community


Learners In The News - If you have news about a current NTS student or graduate of the Seminary, please let us know! Simply email your story to Newburghseminary@Aol.com

Faculty In The News - If you have news about a current NTS student or graduate of the Seminary, please let us know! Simply email your story to Newburghseminary@aol.com

Library - Feel free to explore thousands of free Christian research sites in the new NTS online research library.

Career Center - The goal of career development is to examine and manage one's work life. It involves reflecting on past work/life experiences, researching possible options, finding employment and incorporating workplace issues. Once the process is learned, an individual becomes more in control of the choices and direction taken in his/her career journey.

Dissertation Services  - Find out how to publish your disseration or thesis with Newburgh Press or Higher Ground Publishing - Currently Under Development

Alumni in the News - Note: If you have any news items please send an email to NewburghSeminary@AOL.com.

E-Monographs  - The mission of E-Monographs is to present work produced by NTS students in the fields of Religious Education, Christian Counseling, Theology, and Evangelism. - Currently Under Development

Publishing and Speaking  - The purpose of this section is to announce publishing and presenting opportunities for the NTS community. - Currently Under Development

Alumni Directory  - Currently Under Development

Faculty Directory  - Currently Under Development

Student Directory  - Currently Under Development


Mailing/Shipping Address:
P.O. Box 1238
Newburgh, Indiana 47629

Physical Address:
8922 Ruffian Lane
Newburgh, Indiana 47630 

Telephone:  1.812.858.3920

E-mail:  NewburghSeminary@aol.com

Christ-Centered, Biblically Sound, Affordable