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Bachelor of Arts in Christian Emergency Response


Utilize up to eighty hours of previous life and education experience.





Total Courses

8 courses/40 hours

Core Courses & Electives

Crisis Management Plan Project

5 hours

10-15 page paper

Core Courses

Minimum 5

Authorized Textbooks

Elective Courses

Maximum 3


Core Courses and Core Seminars from Biblical Studies, Ministry, Counseling or Pastoral Leadership degree program pages 

No Travel Seminars

Maximum 3



No Travel Seminar Tab

Be Trained in Christian Emergency Response- Become a Responder for The Salvation Army, The Red Cross, multiple other Christian/non-profit relief organizations that need trained people during times of crises!


TUITION - $2,395.00

Automatic Monthly Payment Program:  $200 down and $100 a month for a total of $2,395.00.

Up Front Payment Program: $300 reduction for a total of $2,095.00 paid at enrollment.

Tuition does not include textbooks. Please purchase them at your favorite book dealer or www.Amazon.com


ABOUT THIS DEGREE PROGRAM:  The frequency of crises and disasters is startling.  These are the days in which we live.  Disasters, various emergencies and even terroristic activities threaten our people; even our churches.  When we, the church, are called upon to respond, are we ready? Even with a heart full of desire, Christian people, in most cases, do not know how to respond. Entire communities are unprepared for sudden natural or man-made disasters. Crises affect our world and we must prepare to meet the needs they create.  This degree program is designed to prepare you to lead your church and community to respond in times of crises.

The program consists of eight courses which are the equivalent of forty hours of study. Texts must be selected from the list of Authorized Textbooks provided below.  Although all textbooks may be ordered simultaneously, assignments must be submitted one at a time.  Once a textbook is read, a 10 to 20 page paper describing what was read must be submitted for grading.    A four to six page paper is required for each No Travel Seminar.  We are simply asking students for a summary of the material. A 10-15 page paper is required for the Crisis Management Plan Project.   Review the How to Submit Your Work tab concerning submission of assignments.

SPECIFIC DEGREE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS:  The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Emergency Response 911 degree program requires a total of 125 hours.  This is comprised of eight courses (40 hours), a Crisis Management Plan Project (5 hours) plus life, ministry, education, military and work experience (80 hours).  Five of the eight required courses must be core courses chosen from the list of Authorized Textbooks provided below.  Up to three of the eight required courses may be electives.  Electives may only be chosen from core textbooks and core seminars from the degree program pages for Biblical Studies, Ministry, Christian Counseling or Pastoral Leadership.  No Travel Seminars are optional.  Up to three No Travel Seminars may be utilized for this program.   Alternate courses/textbooks may not be utilized. 

Courses/Textbooks may not be utilized for more than one degree program.



ER 900  Emergency Response Planning - Emergency Response Planning for Corporate and Municipal Managers, Second Edition (Butterworth-Heinemann Homeland Security)- by Paul A. Erickson

ER 902 Rules For First Response –Emergency Response Guidebook:  A Guidebook for First Responders During the Initial Phase of a Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Transportation – by US Department of Transportation

ER 904 FEMA Overview Training -21st Century FEMA Course Manuals - Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Instructor Guide (IG-317), Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety, Disaster Operations, Psychology, Terrorism (Ringbound) - by Federal Emergency Management Agency

ER 906 Emergency Response Management –Emergency Response and Emergency Management Law: Cases and Materials 2nd Edition - by William C. Nicholson

ER 908 Crisis Management –Managing Crises:  Responses to Large-Scale Emergencies – by Arnold M. Howitt

ER 910 Emergency Response Planning and Training: Textbook - Emergency Response Guidebook (Labelmaster)

ER 912 Pandemic Studies:  Textbook - The Great Influenza, The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History - Click Here to Purchase Textbook

ER 914 Planning for a Pandemic (Kindle only) Click Here for Text  How To Prepare for a Pandemic, Carol Matthews 

915 Surviving Disasters - Textbook - The Disaster Survival Handbook - Click Here to buy Text

ER 800 Ministry Studies Practical Survey: Minister's Guidebook, Insights from a Fellow Minister by Dr. Glenn W. Mollette -  CLICK HERE OR GO TO AMAZON.COM TO  PURCHASE



ER 916  Crisis Management Project - Build a Crisis Management Plan for a Local Church  

This is 10-15 page paper that begins with a potential crisis. This could be a hurricane, tornado, flood, fire, terrorist attack or any crisis that might threaten your town or community. In your paper you may create your own idea of a community catastrophe or use one that has really happened. In this paper you state what has happened and how you will lead your church group to respond.

The paper must include:

- A statement describing the crisis. (Destroyed homes, loss of life, the overall scenario of the damage. )

- A detailed description of what has occurred during the crisis. (Community destroyed by wind or rain...etc.)
- A statement indicating the number of people who have been impacted.

 - A detailed description of how you will lead your church or church group to respond.

- A detailed description of what you will provide.

- A statement indicating what/who will be your source(s) for the necessary funding.

- A statement indicating the number of people you will attempt to help.

- A detailed description of how you will organize and prepare your help.

- A brief ministry plan for how you will meet physical needs and spiritual needs.  In crisis you will have to meet the physical needs first with a plan for spiritual follow-up.                                   


Mailing/Shipping Address:
P.O. Box 1238
Newburgh, Indiana 47629

Physical Address:
8922 Ruffian Lane
Newburgh, Indiana 47630 

Telephone:  1.812.858.3920

E-mail:  NewburghSeminary@aol.com

Christ-Centered, Biblically Sound, Affordable