Utilize up to eighty hours of previous life and education experience.
Total Courses
8 courses/40 hours
Core Courses & Electives
Core Courses
Minimum 4
(1 must be PL 520 or
PL 700)
Authorized Textbooks
Elective Courses
Maximum 4
Elective Page/No Travel Seminar Tab/
Other Bachelor/Master/Doctoral Degree Program Pages
No Travel Seminars
Maximum 5
(1 core)
No Travel Seminar Tab
TUITION - $2,395.00
Automatic Monthly Payment Program: $200 down and $100 a month for a total of $2,395.00.
Up Front Payment Program: $300 reduction for a total of $2,095.00 paid at enrollment.
Tuition does not include textbooks. Please purchase them at your favorite book dealer or www.Amazon.com.
ABOUT THIS DEGREE PROGRAM: The purpose of the Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Leadership degree program is to broaden the student’s perspectives and understanding of pastoral leadership.
The program consists of eight courses which are the equivalent of forty hours of study. Texts must be selected from the list of Authorized Textbooks provided below. Although all textbooks may be ordered simultaneously, assignments must be submitted one at a time. Once a textbook is read, a 10 to 20 page paper describing what was read must be submitted for grading. A four to six page paper is required for each No Travel Seminar. We are simply asking students for a summary of the material. Review the How to Submit Your Work tab concerning submission of assignments.
SPECIFIC DEGREE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: The Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Leadership degree program requires a total of 120 hours. This is comprised of eight courses (40 hours) plus life, ministry, education, military and work experience (80 hours). Four of the eight required courses must be core courses chosen from the list of Authorized Textbooks provided below. Up to four of the eight required courses may be electives. Electives may be chosen from the Electives Page, No Travel Seminar tab or any other degree program page. No Travel Seminars are optional. Up to five No Travel Seminars may be utilized for this program. If using five No Travel Seminars, one must be a core course.
Courses/Textbooks may not be utilized for more than one degree program.
PL 500 New Testament Studies - Encountering the New Testament - by Walter E. Elwell
PL 520 Philosophy - The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren (One Philosophy course is required. Choose one of the two Philosophy textbooks.)
PL 530 Counseling – Christian Counseling: A Comprehensive Guide – by Gary R. Collins
PL 550 Old Testament Studies – Encountering the Old Testament – by Bill T. Arnold
PL 580 Ethics – There’s No Such Thing as “Business” Ethics; There’s Only One Rule for Making Decisions – by John Maxwell
PL 590 Review of the Epistles – Paul and His Letters – by John B. Polhill
PL 700 Christian Philosophy – Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview – by J.P. Moreland and William L. Craig (One Philosophy course is required. Choose one of the two Philosophy textbooks.)
PL 600 Evangelism – Five Steps to Sharing Your Faith – by Bill Bright (Study Guide; not User’s Guide)
PL 620 Preaching – Power in the Pulpit: How to Prepare and Deliver Expository Sermons – by Jerry Vines
PL 630 Church Growth 101 – Church Growth 101 A Church Growth Guidebook for Ministers and Laity – by Dr. Glenn W. Mollette
PL 640 Bivocational Ministry Studies – Serving As a Bivocational Pastor – by Dr. Jim Highland
PL 650 Pastoral Studies – The Ambitious Pastor – by Dr. Art Christmas
PL 660 Church Growth and Development – The Kingdom Focused Church: A Compelling Image of an Achievable Future for Your Church – by Gene Mims
PL 800 Ministry Studies Practical Survey: Minister's Guidebook, Insights from a Fellow Minister by Dr. Glenn W. Mollette - CLICK HERE OR GO TO AMAZON.COM TO PURCHASE