APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: The prospective candidate must hold an earned Bachelor’s
degree conferred by an approved educational institution.
Total Courses
8 courses/40 hours
Core Courses & Electives
Core Courses
Minimum 5
Authorized Textbooks
Elective Courses
Maximum 3
Elective Page or No Travel Seminar Tab
No Travel Seminars
Maximum 2
Seminar Tab
TUITION - $2,495.00
Automatic Monthly Payment Program: $200 down and $100 a month for a total of $2,495.00.
Up Front Payment Program: $300 reduction for a total of $2,195.00 paid at enrollment.
Tuition does not include textbooks. Please purchase them at your favorite book dealer
ABOUT THIS DEGREE PROGRAM: The Master of Arts in Small Church Ministry degree program will provide an opportunity for the student to pursue courses that will broaden understanding and perspective of Small Church Ministry at the Master’s level. The program consists of eight courses which are the equivalent of forty hours of study. Texts must be selected from the list of Authorized Textbooks provided below. Although all textbooks may be ordered simultaneously, assignments must be submitted one at a time. Once a textbook is read, a 10 to 20 page paper describing what was read must be submitted for grading. We are simply asking students for a summary of the material. Review the How to Submit Your Work tab concerning submission of assignments.
SPECIFIC DEGREE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: The Master of Arts in Small Church Ministry degree program requires a total of 40 hours. Five of the eight required courses must be core courses chosen from the list of Authorized Textbooks provided below. Up to three of the eight required courses may be electives. Electives may be chosen from the Electives Page or the No Travel Seminar tab. No Travel Seminars are optional. A maximum of two No Travel Seminars may be utilized for this program.
Courses/Textbooks may not be utilized for more than one degree program.

SCM 500 Small Church Essentials - Small Church Essentials: Field-Tested Principles for Leading a Healthy Congregation of under 250 by Karl Vaters. Moody Publishers, 2018
SCM 501 The Church as Family - Feels Like Home: How Rediscovering the Church as Family Changes Everything by Lee Eclov & Collin Hansen, Moody Publishers, 2019
SCM 502 Maximizing Resources - Maximize Your Money, Space, Time and People to Multiply Ministry Impact The More-with-Less Church: Maximize Your Money, Space, Time, and People to Multiply Ministry Impact by Eddy Hall, Ray Bowman, J. Skip Machmer. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2014
SCM 503 Key Roles of the Pastor - The 10 Key Roles of a Pastor: Proven Practices for Balancing the Demands of Leading Your Church by Gary McIntosh. Baker Books, 2021
SCM 504 Reality Check for the Church - Reality Check for the Church: Discovering a Unique Vision for the Small Church by Ron Johnston. Winnipeg: Word Alive Press, 2013
SCM 505 Handbook for Rural Church Pastors - On the Wings of Eagles: A Handbook for Pastors of Rural Churches by Daniel Work. Shepherd’s Staff, 2021
SCM 506 Church Revitalization Checklist - The Church Revitalization Checklist: A Hopeful and Practical Guide for Leading Your Congregation to a Brighter Tomorrow (Church Answers Resources) by Sam Rainer. Tyndale Publishing: Carol Stream, IL, 2022
SCM 507 Pastoring the Small Rural Church - Pastoring the Small Rural Church: Embracing Ministry in Little-Known Places by Jarod Walston. Aspire Productions, 2023.
SCM 508 The Strategically Small Church - The Strategically Small Church: Intimate, Nimble, Authentic, and Effective by Brandon O’Brien, Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2010.
SCM 509 Significant Small Churches - Small Church BIG Deal: How to rethink size, success and significance in ministry by Chris Vitarella. 2019
SCM 510 Microchurch Ministry - Microchurches: A Smaller Way by Brian Sanders: Underground Media, 2019/2022
SCM 511 Negotiating Church Property Transition - Gone for Good?: Negotiating the Coming Wave of Church Property Transition by Mark Elsdon, ed. William Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI, 2024
SCM 512 Bi-Vocational Tentmaking Ministers - Bivocational: Today'S Tentmaking Ministers by David F. Felsburg, 2018
SCM 513 Church Growth 101 - Church Growth 101 A Church Growth Guidebook for Ministers and Laity by Glenn W. Mollette (Mar 28, 2012)
SCM 514 Ministry Studies Practical Survey - Minister's Guidebook Insights from a Fellow Minister by Dr. Glenn W. Mollette, CLICK HERE OR GO TO AMAZON.COM TO PURCHASE
SCM 515 Bivocational Ministry Studies - Serving As A Bivocational Pastor by Dr. James W. Highland
SCM 800 Ministry Studies Practical Survey – Minister’s Guidebook Insights from a Fellow Minister by Dr. Glenn W. Mollette, CLICK HERE OR GO TO AMAZON.COM TO PURCHASE